Board definitions

The contains a large list of board definitions. The board definitions define an FPGA and its configuration for a particular board. The board definitions define the default port list for the FPGA on a particular board. The following is a guideline on how to add a new board definition.

The information needed to create a board definition comes from the boards datasheet and/or schematic. To make it easy to trace back to the original documentation the port names should match the net names in the documentation / schematic with a few exceptions. The port names should be lowercase (this will be one difference from the documentation / schematic).

The board definitions are a subclass of the FPGA class. The FPGA information is captured in the class attributes.

Example: XESS CAT board

The following is a minimal example creating a board definition for the XESS CAT board. From the CAT board schematics the port definitions can be defined.

class CATBoard(FPGA):
    vendor = 'lattice'
    family = 'ice40'
    device = 'HX8K'
    packet = 'CT256'
    _name = 'catboard'

    default_clocks = {
        'clock': dict(freqeuncy=100e6, pins=('C8',))

    default_ports = {
        'led': dict(pins=('A9', 'B8', 'A7', 'B7',)),
        'sw': dict(pins=('A16', 'B9',)),
        'dipsw': dict(pins=('C6', 'C5', 'C4', 'C3',)),
        'hdr1': dict(pins=('J1', 'K1', 'H1', 'J2', )),

Extending definitions

In many situations the top-level module ports might not match the default ports in the board definition or the user might want to create a different board definition.

Mapping port names

There are two functions available in a specific board definition object: add_port and add_port_name. When the pin is known use add_port and when the default port name is known but a different name is desired use add_port_name to add a new port name that maps to the properties of an existing port. See the pone example for an add_port_name use.

Creating a custom board definition

Custom board defintions can be created from the standard board definitions contained in the collection. For example, a board might have many connectors or generic IO. The user could have a boards with specific hardware attached. In these cases the user many wish to create a new custom board definition.

class MyCustomBoard(Xula2):
    # overriding the default ports, inherit the default
    # clocks.  The default ports in this cause reprsent
    # the various widgets connected to the Xula2+stickit
    default_ports = {
        'leds': dict(pins=('R7', 'R15', 'R16', 'M15',)),
        'btns': dict(pins=('F1', 'F2', 'E1', 'E2',))